Demeco Ryans should call the police

In a stunning turn of events that has left fans and pundits alike scratching their heads, the NFL's decision to bestow the Coach of the Year Award upon Kevin Stefanski at the 2024 "NFL Honors" ceremony has sparked controversy and disbelief. In what can only be described as a bewildering oversight, Demeco Ryans, whose transformative leadership and strategic genius have been the talk of the season, was inexplicably overlooked. The decision has prompted an outcry among those who believe that justice in the world of sports has been sidestepped, leading to calls, both jestingly and seriously, for Ryans to "call the police" over what has been branded as "Grand Theft" by the NFL.

The heart of the controversy lies not in the diminishment of Stefanski's accomplishments but in the overshadowing of Ryans' exceptional achievements throughout the season. Under Ryans' guidance, his team has not only seen a dramatic turnaround from their previous performances but has also been at the forefront of innovation, setting new standards for gameplay and strategy that have reverberated throughout the league. His ability to inspire peak performance in his players, adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of the game, and maintain a winning mentality against all odds has been nothing short of remarkable.

Critics of the NFL's decision argue that the criteria for selecting the Coach of the Year seem to have been forgotten or ignored. Traditionally, the award recognizes not just a successful record but also the ability to overcome adversity, innovate, and inspire. By these measures, Ryans was not just a contender but the clear frontrunner. He took a team from the cellar of the AFC South (3-13) to the playoffs. His leadership has been transformative, his tactics groundbreaking, and his impact undeniable. Yet, the accolade went elsewhere, leaving many to question the integrity of the selection process.

Supporters of Stefanski will argue that his achievements this season are also worthy of recognition. Indeed, Stefanski has led his team with grace and effectiveness, showcasing tactical savvy and an impressive ability to get the best out of his players. However, the debate centers not on Stefanski's worthiness but on the comparative impact and achievements of both coaches. In a year where Ryans has been a standout story, the decision to overlook his contributions feels to many like a misstep that undermines the award's purpose: to honor the most outstanding coaching performance of the season.

The fallout from this decision is likely to reverberate for some time. Discussions about the criteria for awards, the transparency of the selection process, and the recognition of true excellence in coaching are now at the forefront. While awards are but a small part of the sporting landscape, they carry significant weight in acknowledging and celebrating the hard work, innovation, and leadership within the league.

In the end, the controversy surrounding the 2024 Coach of the Year Award serves as a reminder of the passion that fuels the world of sports. It underscores the importance of fair recognition and the deep connection fans and participants have with the game and its figures. As the dust settles, one can only hope that this incident prompts a closer examination of how we recognize excellence and a renewed commitment to celebrating the true spirit of competition and achievement in the NFL.

Rick Morton

Rick Morton is the guy behind Tide World Order. He is a 50+ year Crimson Tide fan who loves all things Bama. By day, Rick is a father, grandfather, orphan care advocate, author, speaker, and media personality. More about that can be found at

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