The TIDAL Wave: Mississippi State Edition

1. The specialists (Reichard & Burnip) are a huge advantage. We should never underestimate an automatic PK or the punter not being able to flip field position.

2. The two times the offense put the ball on the ground could have been a huge momentum shift. Must work on ball security.

3. Milroe actually went through his progression beyond the first read a few times. Progress? 4. The O-line played very well. Not much pass pro helped. Hoping this is a big step forward.

5. Trez Marshall called a great game. Several QB runs were busts from wrong calls, but all-in- all solid.

6. The run game was fantastic. Milroe is the show, but McClellan & Williams avg. +4.0 ypc is vital for success.

7. Jihaad Campbell played very well for Deontae Lawson. Going to need him big time against A&M unless Lawson can go.

8. Milroe’s few passes have to be of concern, but his efficiency was impressive. He went 8 for 8 in the first half with the first drop not coming until the 3rd quarter. He’s going to have to do more this week but the consistency breeds confidence.

9. Eight of Milroe’s 10 completions went for +12.5 yds. The missing short passing game & RPO is a complete mystery. Why won’t Rees use it to open up the game? Is it that Milroe can’t make the quick decisions necessary like he can’t move through a pass progression?

10. Apparently, we have Ms. Terry to thank for unleashing the beast as cranky Nick Saban made a big return. According to his postgame press conference, Ms. Terry authorized Coach to “get into their butts” if they weren’t playing good. Welcome back, Coach!

Roll Tide!

Rick Morton

Rick Morton is the guy behind Tide World Order. He is a 50+ year Crimson Tide fan who loves all things Bama. By day, Rick is a father, grandfather, orphan care advocate, author, speaker, and media personality. More about that can be found at

Tidal Wave - Storm Warning


After further review…